Thursday, April 15, 2010


The day dawned wet, dull and grey - which seemed to suit the fact that we were in Greymouth, the largest township along the west coast.
As we had a few hours to spend before departure we had time to wander around the shops again, visit an art gallery or two, including one showing work by a local photographer, We found a cafe with character along the road beside the Grey River. Ver sort of retro about its fittings (or lack of them), furniture. Walls were just yellow painted brick. However, the staff (one) was friendly and the coffee and food good. Amongst the various photographs and paintings displayed on the walls, Robyn found a couple of small posters whgich she can use in her professional development sessions. She was very happy.
The train left on time at 1:45pm and it was raining. We had been tokd that the train was sold out, but in the end we had two spare seats around our table for the whole trip. Which was good. Sitting facing a couple you do not know for four hours may not always be pleasant - but on the other hand it can work out well. However, we both ended up with a window seat. And we were on the norther side, the 'scenic side'.
Most of the rest of the carriage was filled with a tourist party - mostly Australians. Yes they were loud at times (often), they did rag each other steadily and once the even tried to start a sing song going. As we got closer to
Christchurch and journeys end, they got more excited about the party they planned to have that evening.
The west coast part of the trip was damp, misty and dull lighting - but still picturesque. From Arthur's Pass onwards the sky cleared and sunshine often covered the landscape.
Travelling in the late afternoon did allow us to enjoy the wonderfull lighting as we rode across the Canterbury Plains.
A short shuttle ride and we were back at the Windsor Hotel to a friendly welcome and the same room we had two nights ago.
It has been a very enjoyable trip and I would be more than happy to get further birthday presents like this in future years. )Hint)

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